I was desperate for a rugby game with modern squads etc., but it's just not worth it when Rugby 08 outclasses it in almost every respect. It is too easy to score amazing tries in 08, but it's better than it being almost literally impossible because even front row players can chase down any winger. You can't even pass it along the backline because the players are just in the wrong place and never go where you want them to, and the passing is stilted and unresponsive. The AI positioning and movement is also dreadful, to the point where it doesn't resemble real rugby at all. 18 completely fails to reflect the reality of rugby to anywhere near the same extent. 08 reflected this, with the addition of several forwards being more of a bonus to your chances of winning possession, rather than a necessity.

The 08 mechanic makes much more sense retaining possession is as much about having players in support and getting into a ruck quickly as it is about the physical act of driving your opponent back. Rucks in real life are generally won or lost within a matter of seconds I've never seen a ruck where the pack joined, veeeeeery slowly, one by one, for about a minute. The ruck mechanic is awful! It's the main thing that has made the game unplayable for me, I actually went and downloaded Rugby 08 after playing a few games because I just couldn't bear to spend all my time rucking.